Take The Blame | Motorhead | Supertesti.it

Take The Blame

Testo Take The Blame

You can see the way we do it here
You will be alright if you can change
You can be a rich man, you can start to climb.
Get into the rhythm, step into the line.

Politicians eat your words
Prohibition that‘s a joke
Exhibition of the criminally insane

You can take the money,
but can you take the blame
You can take the money,
but can you take the blame

You can be the new arising star
You can be the super new-wave boy
You can be a tyrant, you can rule by fear
That‘s the way they like it, stick it in their ear

Politicians eat your words
Prohibition that‘s a joke
Put your own children in Jail with a shame

You can take the money,
but can you take the blame
You can take the money,
but can you take the blame

Politician swine, you make me wanna puke
Waste my money, waste my time.
going by the book
Education fails no need to teach the poor
They just get in the way, until we have a war.
until we have a war...

You will never sorrow for your friends
You will never miss them for a day
You will be a hero, you will be a king
Get into the money, get into the swing

Politicians eat your words
Prohibition that‘s a joke
You can‘t fool everybody, you should be ashamed

You can take the money,
but can you take the blame
You can take the money,
but can you take the blame

See you on TV, you talk and talk and talk
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
Liars, thieves and dorks
You may be in control,
so how come you‘re so scared
Is it because you feel, the hatred everywhere,
the hatred everywhere

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